29 September 2016

Journal 4 to be submitted by 5:30 PM today

This post is to clarify what goes into this journal submission and what its number is.

This is journal 4, so when you name your file that is the journal number you should use.

(If you have already submitted it, please make sure that you used the number 4, and if you did not, please go back and change the filename. You do not need to make a new post: you can just edit the post you already made, remove the uploaded file link, rename the file, and edit the post again to put in the file with the correct name. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE THE FILE WITH THE WRONG NAME POSTED!)

Journal 4 submission should contain everything in your journal since Test 1: in other words, starting with Tuesday the 19th, up until what you have as of the start of class today (not including today's class, obviously!)

Please make sure that you follow the instructions in this post (as always) for naming your file and for posting it to Piazza, and what your summary line of your Piazza post should be.

If you fail to follow the instructions I will simply respond to your post telling you that you did not follow instructions, and I will not evaluate your journal until you've corrected the situation. 

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