08 September 2016

How to scan and submit your Journal pages (with important note!) - UPDATED and bumped to the top

**There are two changes to the instructions below, starting with Journal2. They are marked with double stars!**

Important note: all of the journal pages you submit each week should be contained in one single file, numbered according to the week! And make sure that you are submitting EVERYTHING that is supposed to be in the journal!

Submitting your journal pages:

  First of all, make sure that you know what your journal is supposed to contain: read the syllabus! 

Each time I ask you to submit, you will submit the pages of the journal which are new since the last time you submitted.

 The pages must be scanned, not merely photographed, and saved as one single pdf file. jpg files or any other file type are not acceptable.

 However you scan your journal pages, you are responsible for making sure that the result is clearly legible and is saved with the appropriate file name in pdf form.

 You must save the file containing the scanned pages using the following name format:

 For example, Joe Seeley would save his first journal submission under the name
and his second journal submission would be

 Important note: Your file MUST have its filename in that format. If you forgot to name it that way when you scanned it, make sure to change the name before you submit it.

Double-check that your file is  easily legible and contains all the things you intend it to contain before you post it.

Post the file containing your Journal pages to Piazza as a **Private Question** (not a Note) to me.
**Make sure that the "Summary" line includes your name and the number of the journal submission; for example Joe Seeley could use the Summary line Joe Seeley Journal 2 for his second Journal submission.**
Put it in the Journals folder when you post it.


 There are several ways you can scan the pages:

 • There are free scanner apps available for smart phones or iPads. Two which have received consistently good reviews and which I have tried out are: CamScanner, and Genius Scan. They are both available for iPhones and Android phones and, I believe, for Windows phones as well (and for iPad). Specific instructions for each of these will be posted as I get them written up, but they are both fairly easy to learn to use.

 • There are scanners available for your use in several Brooklyn College Library locations:
The self-service scanners are located in the following areas of the Library and Library Café:
 • Lower Level
 • 1st Floor
 • New Media Center (2nd Floor)
 • Library Cafe
Please see the staff member at the appropriate service desk for assistance in obtaining and using a scanner.

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