07 December 2016

Scheduling and Final Exam information (with Exam room information!)

Test 4 is shorter than the previous three tests. I would like to take about 20 minutes at the start of class on Thursday to tie up any loose ends from tilings and frieze patterns. (It may not take this long.) So please make sure to at least take a look at them as well as studying for Test 4!

Remember that Monday 12 December is the last day of classes for the Fall 2016 semester. Tuesday 13 December is scheduled as a reading day: however, as mentioned earlier in the semester, we will meet (at our usual time and place) to review for the Final Exam on that day.

The Final Exam for all day sections of Math 1311 is scheduled for Tuesday 20 December at 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM.

The room will NOT be our usual classroom. Our exam meets in 1127 Ingersoll. There will be another section of Math 1311 having its exam in the same room, so don't be surprised to see people you don't recognize there.

Final Exam Review: you should go back to the review materials for the four tests, and your test papers. There are additional problems, on material that is not on the 4 tests, here. [Note: this is an edited version with the numbering corrected.]

Please bring your specific questions that you want to discuss on Tuesday the 13th! That way we can make sure to focus on what you need, rather than just meandering. (Not that there's anything wrong with meandering.)

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